Don’t take it for granted…

I don’t hate St. Valentine’s Day.

Although I’m Orthodox, so it’s not a traditional holiday for us. As someone suggested in twitter today, wishing us “Happy St. Valentine’s day!” is like saying “Merry Christmas!” to a Muslim – pointless. In the last years, however, we’ve also started following the St. Valentine’s Day trend.

Whatever – each reason to celebrate is fabulous, as everyone with a Balkan spirit will tell you, so I don’t mind joining the Bulgarian day of the wine – Trifon Zarezan, with the day of love.

However, I can’t agree with one thing – why do you have to buy teddies, sweets and other unnecessary stuffs to prove someone that you love them?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Of course, I’m really biased telling this, because exactly a year ago with a bunch of friends we were literally begging strangers to donate some money to save one of us. I clearly remember how I was offering the tickets for our first concert (which was on the 16th) as a great gift for St. Valentine. We needed the money so desperately that I thought it would be a great way to advertise. Hardly anyone was willing to buy a ticket for a charity concert in stead of a teddy bear and I was really disappointed (although later most of these people actually donated).

I keep wondering whether the outcome of our campaign would have been different, if we have managed to convenience people that we needed the money more than they needed the teddies. That would have made a better start!

It’s pointless to regret now. Sometimes I’m sure that it’s even pointless to think what we could have done better.

It’s interesting how we tend to remember only certain details from past periods of our lives. Sometimes we remember whole days – from the morning till the next morning when we’ve went to bed. The last 14th February was one of these days for me and it had nothing to do with St. Valentine’s. However, it did teach me a lot of important things for the life, as a whole. Every time I see a Valentine’s teddy now, I try not to think of what we didn’t do, but of how important the life itself is and how we should be able to concentrate on the positive things. We should appreciate the small things and never take them for granted. You never now what  tomorrow will bring you and if you’d have someone to share it with –  I’m not talking about unstable relationships, but about the surprises of the fate and how sometimes she takes away someone, before he had turned 19.